2024 Point Standings

2024 Inshore Point Standings

As of tournament #2

Points Standing Team Name Captain Total Points
1 MWT Mike Linvelle 985
2 Theofficial John Theodorakis 965
3 Gold Hooks Dave Benson 920
4 Just BS N Justin Short 915
5 Flattie Caddy WK Kennedy 910
6 Frayed Knot Jeff Smith 905
7 Lunar High David Langley 895
8 Miracles Happen John Heffner 885
9 Hemmed Up Kyle Jefferys 880
10 DevOcean James Roach 870
10 Ramseas Rusty Ramsey 870
12 Knot Slippin Carson Shingleton 865
12 Knot Workin Chris Hansen 865
12 Chili Dog Chili Davis 865
15 Cant Get Right Brad Rackley 860
16 Crystal Blue Persuasion Richard Williams 855
17 Tiderunner Charters Devin Anderson 840
18 Draw 2 Michael Ayers 835
19 Old Salt James Varner 825
19 Lunar Low Wayne Newkirk 825
21 Hot Wire Bill West 800
22 Bossy Sinkers Bossy Fitzsimmons 785
23 Skellywag Shawn Kelly 780
24 Just One More Biff White 775
25 Change Order Carter Pigford 770
26 Misbehavin Mary Lacoste 760
27 Mayhem SQD Eric Williams 755
28 The Bald & The Beautiful Tracey Wooten 735
29 Master Baiters Cameron Andrews 730
30 Booby Trap Brent Elvington 710
31 Uncrustable Kevin Dwyer 705
32 Davis Fence Matt Davis 695
33 Solo Gringo Clint Piner 680
34 What If Linda Pressley 670
34 Wave Dancer Bill Jirinec 670
36 Bow Movement Ryan Gurganus 615
37 Marsh Grass Josh Lea 555
38 2 Squids and a Piglett Lewis Crook 450
39 First Class Glass and Boatworks Justin Stewart 425
40 Killin Time 2 Kyle Peters 345
41 Hauk Tuah Jake Scuorzo 280
41 Whatever Fishing Team Hunter Hall 280
43 Gators Mike Harrison 275
43 S&K Keith Boyd 275

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