2024 Tournament Winners

Tournament #2

Place Team Name Captain Weight 1 Weight 2 Total Weight
1 Chili Dog Chili Davis 8.64 9.75 18.39
2 Theofficial John Theodorakis 8.78 9.20 17.98
3 Frayed Knot Jeff Smith 6.60 7.30 13.90
4 MWT Mike Linvelle 6.60 7.10 13.70
5 Gold Hooks Dave Benson 3.85 9.75 13.60
6 Miracles Happen John Heffner 6.60 6.60 13.20


Tournament #1

Place Team Name Captain Weight 1 Weight 2 Total Weight
1 MWT Mike Linvelle 6.80 7.54 14.34
2 Cant Get Right Brad Rackley 7.00 7.30 14.30
3 Change Order Carter Pigford 10.12 4.00 14.12
4 Ramseas Rusty Ramsey 5.35 7.81 13.16
5 Flattie Caddy WK Kennedy 9.20 2.88 12.08
6 Knot Workin Chris Hansen 6.10 5.96 12.06


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